Sorry for the lack of posts. Lately i've been applying to my masters and it's been taking up most of my time. Alhamdulilah (All praise due to Allah) i'm almost done, just need to fine tune some stuff and i'll be back to blogging : ). For those of you who are in school/finished school, good job.. keep it up.
Knowledge is a life long journey, i believe one should never stop learning. This could be anything, like learning a new language, new hobby, memorizing quran, etc. Whatever it is, never stop feeding your mind. The amount of information we have accessible at our finger tips is endless. You can download ebooks, audio tapes, videos, etc. You can learn so much with just some self discipline.
Self discipline=Success
I remember during the summer while taking an Arabic course, there was a particular Chinese girl who sat at the front of the class. From the first day i noticed how keen she was on learning. She was always on time, always ready to ask questions, and ready for any challenges that came her way. Out of a class of around 40 students, 80% already knew how to read and write Arabic, however, this girl didn't know a single letter coming into the class and by the end of the course she could speak basic conversational arabic, aswell as write perfectly. One day i sat with her in class and asked her why she took Arabic. She told me she wanted to teach herself how to be more self-disiplined. Subhanallah, can you imagine that?
I don't believe in new years resolutions, however, i've been really reflecting on life and i've decided i need to make some changes. Allah (swt) has given us a finite amount of hours during the day to accomplish so much. Most of this take this time for granted, and it's time we stop being lazy and make use of this time before it's too late!