Thursday, September 6, 2012

Muslimfest 2012... Alhamdulilah!!!


This years Muslimfest showcased 3 of my paintings. MuslimFest is an event that  celebrates the best in Muslim arts and entertainment. The event features over 50 local and international artists who showcase their talent in various areas. Over 25 000 participants attended the two-day event, which drew praise from politicians across the region including Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion and Premier Dalton. 

It was an amazing 2 days, and thank you for all the positive feedback, love you guys all feesibililah.  See you next year insha'Allah. If you would like me to make a replica of any of these paintings, email me at

My 3 paintings:

1. Gold on Turquoise: Ina ma'al 'usru yusra (top left corner)
2. Alhamdulilah (bottom left corner)
3. Bismillahi Arahmani Araheem (top right corner)